Sunday, May 31, 2015

We have good news for Club Penguin Mobile users

Catch me online today (Now until the next hour)

Unfortunately, I can't give you the server because I'll be using my iPad to login.

You can find me in the Town and my username is Rock A Star1.

~[Co- Master] and [Owner] Chillax

We're Back !

Yes, we are finally back! We removed some admins and moderators because they were really not that active. Actually, not active at all! They don't moderate the whole site. Even the chat!

You know what this means...
We are officially opening it again. To apply, just go to the Navigation at the very top of the page. We are currently waiting for 5 NEW Moderators and 1 Admin!

Please take this opportunity to be a rightful admin or moderator here at CCPC.

Applications will be accepted only until End of May (May 31).

Of course, with this news we will give you some updates.

We are currently working on a new trainer! And we will hopefully give it out to the public for free. If we hit 100k views until the End of May. 

Last year, in the month of June, we hit 40k views in just one month! This time, we are just asking for almost 20k! We are very sure that you all could do this easily!

Also, we are working on generators!
- New and improved money generator.
- New item generator.
- Puffle Generator.
- Igloo Generator.
- Igloo Item Generator.
* A Membership Generator! - Just enter your Username and Password and POOF there will be a membership inserted into your account!

This all will be coming this year.

And all problems like the iOS bug are completely fixed.
Our site is now 100% secured. Nothing will be hacked. Nothing will be gone. All thanks to Google Services.

We still need all of your support so we can put this site up.
Thank you all of you. And if not mentioned, I'll be the Co-Owner/Master of this website.

~[Co-Master] and [Owner] Chillax

All moderators will be put out due to unactiveness.
Except for our colleague, Qwerty54

I am here to tell you that we are still gladly updated

We are still updated :)

Our admins update our cheats every week :) And congratulations to all of us for having 80k Views! 

We would like to thank all of you and our members who never stops believing on us.

Special Mention for our members :
Paulo Pilar
David Bivol
Mohamad Sofawi
Bloo Bubble
Brett Malone
johnny vark
Taha Rana
Finn Candle

You are all awesome. And, you could check your gmail for some surprise ;)

Sorry if it's not enough. I hope you enjoy the week.
We picked all of you eleven (11) for the winners for our 1 week membership contest. :)

Do not leave us and you'll get a month membership in our 100k views!

I am looking forward in growing our small community. And sorry, to announce this but I won't be that active anymore. I'll be leaving Chillax as the one incharge.

~[Master] GR

Gary Rookie, sign out.

By the way, my favorite mascot is Rockhopper. Not Gary nor Rookie.